Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Track of the Day - 7/6/10

About Track of the Day: On a roughly daily basis, I'll be posting a link to a song. These will usually be songs that I like from things I'm not reviewing, or newly released singles, or great songs from olden times, or just whatever I feel like at the moment. They don't get a grade - I'm not looking to critique their lyrics or philosophize about their lasting impact on our culture - I'm just pointing my finger dumbly and saying, "Hey, check this out."

"California Girls" - The Magnetic Fields
Listen Here

Today's track comes to you from The Magnetic Fields, one of the most sonically diverse bands out there, off of their 2008 album Distortion. The album contains songs that feature heavy amounts of...wait for it...distortion! "California Girls" sounds like an awesomely reverbed Beach Boys song, except with the witty and biting lyrics that bandleader Stephen Merritt is known for. Give it a listen! If you feel like it; I don't mean to pressure anyone.

Also, I've decided that I'm gonna try a little experiment. Each new Track of the Day will have some connection to the previous day's track (usually just the bands will be connected). It will sometimes be excruciatingly obvious, and sometimes be so obscure and random that only I could possibly know what the hell I was thinking. I'll reveal the hugely exciting "secret connection" in the next day's post, and if anyone was actually reading this, I would offer fantastic prizes* for being the first to correctly guess the riddle. So, that's the plan!

*Prizes not guaranteed. Or existent.

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