Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Little Down Time

Hi, imaginary readers! I'm going to be busy (hehe) for the next couple days, so there won't be any new content going up on The Casualty Report until Saturday at the earliest. While I'm sure this would be crushing news to my audience, thankfully I don't have one so it's all good! When I come back, however, this is a sampling of what you can expect for the next week:

- A review of Inception
- A review of the second episode of Covert Affairs
- Continuing coverage of both Louie and The Good Guys (I'm really gonna try to catch up, I promise)
- In Case You Missed It: Frightened Rabbit's The Midnight Organ Fight
- Thoughts about Comic Con (here's one: I wish I could go)
- Whatever else I decide warrants wasting my time on

So, I'll be back soon! Smell ya later!

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