Sunday, July 4, 2010

Track of the Day - 7/4/10

About Track of the Day: On a roughly daily basis, I'll be posting a link to a song. These will usually be songs that I like from things I'm not reviewing, or newly released singles, or great songs from olden times, or just whatever I feel like at the moment. They don't get a grade - I'm not looking to critique their lyrics or philosophize about their lasting impact on our culture - I'm just pointing my finger dumbly and saying, "Hey, check this out."

"Say No to Love" - The Pains of Being Pure At Heart
Listen here

For our first ever Track of the Day, I've selected the (somewhat) recently released single from Brooklyn indie rockers, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart. The Pains (I am not typing out that whole name every time. Someone has to take a stand!) are part of a seeming wave of groups who make music that doesn't merely reference the 80s, but whose music actually is a dead ringer for the sound of the decade (M83 is also in this category, and now Free Energy - albeit theirs is more rock-oriented and 70s/80s homage-y). "Say No to Love" certainly sticks to the formula the group developed in their 2009 self-titled debut, but hey, I liked it then and I like it now. Give it a listen!

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