Sunday, June 12, 2011

Track of the Day - 6/12/11

The Very Best - "Super Mom"

Today's track is from the recently released Super Mom Mixtape, which The Very Best released for free this past Mother's Day. I have no idea what the hell singer Esau Mwamwaya is saying, but it sounds pretty damn happy. And catchy! If you haven't listened to their 2009 album Warm Heart of Africa, you also need to get on that shit - it's the most ballerest African music since The Lion King. And if there's one thing I'm an expert on, it's African music. Oh, and I have no idea what's up with this video, so sorry about that.

Previous Day's Connection: Both "Baba Yetu" and Arcade Fire were Grammy winners in 2011. "Baba Yetu" became the first composition designed for a video game to be recognized with a Grammy, and Arcade Fire became the first band named Arcade Fire to win the coveted, extremely prestigious Album of the Year award. They join the esteemed company of other Grammy winners Lady Antebellum, Celine Dion, and Christopher Cross.

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