Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Track of the Day - 6/1/11

"Baba Yetu" - Christopher Tin (composer)

Back by popular demand, it's a brand spanking new Track of the Day! I'm reviving this feature because so many people were always asking me, "What ever happened to the Track of the Day?" or "When are you going to do more tracks? I'm dying to know the connection between the last two!" Any rumors that it has to do with my being bored, and that nobody really reads this blog, and my writing here is part of a largely sad and meaningless existence, are absolutely false.

Anyway, for those not familiar with this, each day's track has some loose connection to the previous day's, one that probably only makes sense in my strange little head. Today's track is from Christopher Tin, who composed "Baba Yetu" for the insanely addictive video-game, Civilization IV. The piece is beautifully orchestrated, and the vocal component is genius in it's simplicity - the lyrics are The Lord's Prayer sung in Swahili. Check out the video to see it choreographed with some pretty sweet fountain action.

Previous day's (year's) connection: Jesus, you really expect me to remember that far back? God, y'all are so demanding! Whatever, I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the bands playing Lollapalooza. Or something. Just focus on this new connection, okay?

(The previous TotD was Arcade Fire's "Suburban War" from 8/15/10)

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