Saturday, August 14, 2010

Track of the Day - 8/14/10

"King of the Beach" - Wavves
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Today's selection comes to you courtesy of San Diego noise rockers Wavves, who released their third album earlier this month. The album's title track, "King of the Beach" is like an acid-tinged updated Beach Boys track that straddles the line between obnoxious and addictive. I myself lean more towards "addictive," (which is totally funny cause the lead singer has an alcohol problem haha...) but give it a listen and see if you agree! About the song, not whether alcoholism is hilarious. Because who wouldn't agree with that, am I right?

Previous day's connection: Probably a bit of a groaner here, but Wilco is military speak for "Will Comply," used as an affirmative response. So it's literally a way of saying yes. Hence... Yeasayer. Yeah, I'm sorry, it's been a while since I've had to think these through.

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