Monday, August 16, 2010

TCR Podcast - Episode 1

Hey everyone! This is a bit of an experiment for me - I've created a boring podcast to match my boring blog! Some said it couldn't be done, or shouldn't (or they would have if anyone read this except Eli), but that's just how much of a rebel I am, I guess. Anyway, I'll probably be doing new episodes roughly every Monday, so check it out!

On this podcast, I introduce the TCR podcast, discuss my agenda for the coming week, talk about the weekend box office numbers and Scott Pilgrim, and briefly discuss the pilots of Covert Affairs and Rubicon. If you like it, please subscribe to the blog's feed (and hopefully I'll make it so that it's subscribable on iTunes as well). Apologies for some slight technical difficulties.

Download the podcast here:

NPR piece on Scott Pilgrim

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